Rider registration form

Centaur Biomechanics Rider Biomechanics Clinic

We are looking forward to meeting you on the forthcoming “Centaur Biomechanics Rider Biomechanics Clinic”. In order for us to optimise the session, please could you complete the below registration form and click submit. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic registration forms need to be completed online. If for any reason, an online form cannot be completed please let your clinic host know and alternative arrangements can be made.

Please ensure that you have read the Goverment and British Equestrian Federations guidance on social distancing as well as Centaur Biomechanics guidance during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Centaur Biomechanics Guidance COVID-19

Centaur Biomechanics FAQ - COVID-19

Terms and Conditions

Centaur Biomechanics LTD nor any person acting on their behalf accept any liability for any loss, damage, accident, injury or illness to horses, riders, spectators or any other persons or property whatsoever.

All riders must wear a current standard riding hat conforming to the BHS standard (PAS015, VG01.040, ASTM FW1163, SNELLE2001/E2016, AS/NZS3838), at all times whist mounted and suitable footwear with a heel.

All riders between 13 and 18 years old must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

It is advised for riders to hold their own insurance.

For videos which are uploaded to Drobox – Centaur Biomechanics will delete all video files after 7 days. Centaur Biomechanics will handle all data following GDPR guidelines however, cannot accept any responsibility for third party breeches.

Riding is a risk sport. All those who wish to take part in a Centaur Biomechanics Rider Biomechanics session do so entirely at their own risk.